  1. I Walk Along

From the recordings This is My World and I Walk Along

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Every person lives in his own world. What he is able to comprehend is the way he sees the world around him. This means that everything that reaches a individuals personal awareness and understanding from the specific world surrounding him whether perceived through intelligence or ones senses are direct messengers from Hashem and are there as lessons for him to take to heart. In fact everything that comes into our world is a lesson to guide us from Hashem. It’s up to each of us to use our perception to the degree we are capable and to make use of the lessons we learn.


I go through life walk along see and hear what’s going on
Some people thrive some just survive I wonder why and walk along

There’s a world outside of me surrounding me a reality beyond me
If I had a million years to comprehend I’d never get to the end

I travel on see some more make mistakes I try to ignore
Missed a turn what’s gone is gone can’t go back so I keep walking on

There’s a world outside of me surrounding me a reality beyond me
If I had a million years to comprehend I’d never get to the end

Through it all win or lose get the blues still I choose
To be strong and keep on walking along

So much here under the sun try to learn from everyone
You don’t need a pretty face to make the world a better place

There’s a world outside of me surrounding me a reality beyond me
If I had a million years to comprehend I’d never get to the end